Friday 9 December 2016

Evaluation of work

Primarily, I researched my character Jonathyn who was a pirate as well as a thief set in medieval times. He is in a  dungeon and there are signs of torture nearby. For the research, i went through Google and looked at various images of pirates and their surroundings to get a better idea of how to style him. As well as this I watched films such as Saw so that I could get ideas for different types of torture/interrogation devices that I could put in the dungeon to make it seem very dark and creepy. Also, i wanted to get different weapons in there compared to what would have been used in those times so I got some eccentric weapons from google to use for the research. Furthermore, I wanted the appearance of the character to be unique, so I used a half skull design for a mask and used Edward Kenway from the AC series for the hair.

When I was designing the various items I used exploration techniques for different designs, so I could see which would fit the character best. Some guns/swords looked too much like they are for knights rather than a pirate.
To improve on Jonathan I could have watched more pirate related films to see how a variety of them dress and act, then I could have designed the clothes relating to how a thief would be even with the vibrant colours needed.

During the exploratory stage, I tested out various designs that would suit the character. However, I wanted eccentric designs for him due to his eccentric look si I researched absurd guns that would fit him. In the end I came across a shotgun and attached an axe to the under barrel so that it would match the characteristics of jonathyn, as well as this the sword looks like a high-class sword for a pirate which relates to his thievery (he stole the sword) and fits him as it is sleek and would allow him to be agile. To improve upon these weapons, I could have added more detail to the weapons such as blood to represent death from these weapons. Also, I could have found a way to incorporate these with the character design body. The cards he carries are the Joker, King and Queen, these cards have a simple design so that they are not over complicated due to it being medieval times a lot of features like this were simple so it was easy for everyone to understand. However, I could have improved this by adding an eccentric design to match the character and his equipment, the cracks on the cards have shown the use over a long period of time and that they are starting to wear out. Personally, the most important piece of the concept art was the character himself. I made sure his clothes were over the top with bright colours (as requested) and that he had an extraordinary mask on to match his character. the clothes represented both high ranking officers during this period and a standard pirate, the gloves he wears are so that he can conceal items within the gloves but to match his thief style they are fingerless. Half of his face is concealed by a steampunk skull, designed to conceal his identity and give an eerie feel about the character (making him, therefore, more mysterious). In addition to this, the other half of his face reveals what appears to be an ordinary eye. My reason for adding this in was to make the character appear subhuman due to his thieving habits (making him appear like a bad person). His bushy beard and shabby hair show the pirate within him, showing that he has been away from land for a long time and him ahs not been able to shave so his facial features have grown out of control. To improve on this drawing, I could have added more feature to the non-masked side of his face, these features could be scars and gashes showing wear and tear to his skin over the years so it doesn't look as clean as it does. My reason for adding minimal colour to these images, even though this is the approval stage, is to show the drained life from the character and the setting (apart from his vibrant clothes).

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